Cheap/Free DNS Service Suggestions?

Coudns and Simpledns :slight_smile:

Just signed up at Vultr. Seems like DNS is free/available, and supports DNSSEC … Will give it a try, then. :grin:

I tried playing with Lua records, but I wasn’t able to get the syntax right and the deployment experience was quite painful. In the end, I found a method with ALIAS records that works for me in my particular configuration (hidden master and AXFR replication), I described the method in .

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Any tools for checking how well anycast DNS works?

(Vultr should be anycast, and tools like DNS Delegation Lab - BuddyNS Secondary DNS just reports both nameservers as being in Dallas.)

Previously I’ve just made shure to have servers spread out a bit.
Hetzner has all three nameservers in Germany, while has their nameserver well spread (and supports DNSSEC).

I guess looking at the response times for each server at gives a clue. Seems to be quite good for zones using and, from all over the world, 8-40 ms response times.

This is one of the main use cases I was thinking of when redesigning the ping feature to allow pinging from multiple locations simultaneously :smiley:

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If you are searching for a cheap/free DNS service, then maybe give a visit.

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I guess topic here might say “DNS Hosting Service”, not “DNS Resolver Service”. I’m specifically testing DNS Hosting Service integration with a panel right now, but looks interesting. :slight_smile:

Ah. My bad. Did not read it all. Good luck out there. Otherwise we can always go back to another cup of instant coffee…

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ClouDNS has never let me down, @FHR is correct their Anycast is well shit.

I also use gdnsd if you fancy running something yourself.

Has anyone tried No-IP’s managed DNS services? They seem to score high over at DNSPerf.

Started using this a month ago and love it.


I know that DigitalOcean’s DNS is based on CF, but anyone knows if it’s available even if I don’t have a currently running service?

When I came across this thread again, I decided to check the current status of my managed DNS service.

I signed up to ClouDNS around 2 years ago for a supposed project that didn’t mature. I decided to stick with it for my personal domains since it’s cheap anyway ($2/month plan). However, upon checking now, I realized that my queries are being directed to their POP in Netherlands (I ran my query through a major residential ISP in SE Asia).

I’m not an expert with networking; I realize that Anycast works with the shortest path rule and indeed the Amsterdam IX is just one hop away from my country, but with 250+ ms reading. When they said that it was an issue with my ISP, I sent in traceroutes to nameservers by HE and DNSMadeEasy that directs me to Singapore or LA POP. They said they can’t do anything about it, so I decided to move away; it’s useless to pay for a service that directs me to EU POP when most of my users will be in SE Asia.

Anyway, I decided to use free options at the moment since it’ll be just for personal use. Just a quick rundown of the features (and non-features) of some of the DNS providers mentioned in this thread:

  • 1984 - no DNSSEC, allows AXFR
  • HE - no wildcard records, allows AXFR
  • Zilore - no DNSSEC, no AXFR
  • Vultr - DNSSEC, no AXFR

Btw, Vultr DOESN’T ALLOW free use of their DNS services without any current subscriptions. I asked them and they replied:

Use of Vultr DNS without any subscriptions is discouraged. Any terms of service violation via this mechanism may result in account suspension and/or termination.

Anyway, so I decided to use 1984 as my hidden master with HE as secondary nameserver. The reason being HE has a POP in Singapore but I need wildcard records. I also intend to use Zilore, but I’m currently being directed to their LA POP instead of their Asian POPs, which may be my ISPs fault (just like with ClouDNS?).

Going forward in the future, for future projects that might need it, I’ll probably sign up with DNSMadeEasy with No-IP as secondary nameservers.

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Using HE as master the web UI won’t let you add a wildcard, but used as slave wildcard works on that setup since they don’t strip it when they pull the zone from master.


Another good option to consider if Russia is not a problem would be Selectel.

They offer anycast DNS hosting for free to anyone with a registered cloud account.

I can’t seem to find the TOS …
Discouraged != disallowed ?

Indeed, there’s no such entry in their TOS, that’s why I opened a ticket with them.

Granted that their reply has a gray area, I would rather not risk it given that migrating DNS services might be PITA (cache issues) and since there are other free options anyway for managed DNS services.

Re-reading this old thread, I stumbled upon this. I believe 1984 does indeed offer DNSSEC …


They sure do

Heh, this is why I gave up on them a while back. I was considering their Black Friday deals, but the broken anycast routing is still a problem today. Currently, pings/traceroutes to from Australia and South Africa are both going to Los Angeles, even though they have servers in both locations (SIS Group in Australia, Hetzner in South Africa): Ping :thinking: