Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Hostballers. I hope business is good and you are all spending today with your loved ones.


Happy Thanksgiving!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

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I hope some the readers here can eat a left-over-turkey-stuffing-and-cranberry-sauce sandwich today, so I can live vicariously through them!
Which college football games this holiday weekend will you be watching? (I know I am going to have to check the score for the UGA - Georgia Tech game, for instance, even though I can’t really watch it here in Germany.) --Katie


Happy late Thanksgiving!

  • said the only Canadian in the chat

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate! :slight_smile:

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There is more than just one canadian here. There is at least two :stuck_out_tongue:

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Happy thanksgiving, and Xmas is on the way :grinning:

Happy Thanksgiving!