LFMSync - a CLI Tool for Getting Scrobbles from Last.Fm and Syncing Them Elsewhere

For the unaware, LastFM allows you to track your listening habits and provides neat statistics and reports over set periods of time.

This tool allows you to export your scrobble data from LastFM into a .txt file and then optionally allows you to upload that data to LibreFM for data redundancy.

This is a simple fork of lastscrape-gui. I tried to use the tool with Python3 but encountered various issues. My fork aims to solve the issues and provide a clean shell wrapper for easier usage.



ObCritique: I’m not sure why you aren’t just using uname for the OS, and then for distribution, falling through on lsb_release to /etc/os*, et al… and the inline ANSI/Terminal escape codes eeek.

Thanks for offering this tool; I’m sure folks will find it useful.

The install script is basically an adapted version of Rclone’s install script, and what should I use in place of inline ANSI/terminal escape codes? Shell is far from being my day-to-day “language”, so I’m not familiar with best practices :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks!

Forced colors are vile!