Must-have Mac Apps

Alright so.

I bought myself a Macbook recently (M1) and I’m enjoying the experience so far.

But anyone have any “Must-have” and “Must try” OSX apps?


GUI iterm2, appcleaner, dozer, itsycal
Terminal: Brew, ohmyzsh
Depending on how much paid apps you’re going to use:
And to see if software is m1 native:

Hope it helps a bit!


Magnet is my top recommendation :slight_smile:


For Mac, my top 2 most needed free app will be as follows:

  • AppCleaner - Must have as this is probably the Mac version of “Add/Remove” Program

  • The Unarchiver - Must have to extract almost any compressed files.


I like to use Dropshare to share files using drag and drop.

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There’s lots of must-have apps, but really depends on what you do.
To mention a couple, I really like Nimble Commander and BBEdit.

I’ve also been using SuperTab for quite a while, but it’s been buggy, so now I use Unclutter.

Also, Homebrew (brew command) is a must, and iTerm2 is quite nice, integrated with tmux too, if you like that.

(Brew can install and update quite a few GUI apps too, called casks.)

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Keka works well too for extracting ZIPs/RARs/etc!

Another app I’d slap on is CloudMounter for Google Drive (it supports other cloud storage providers, though).

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Any good jumpshare alternative?

Free version have too much limits