Spanish Customer Support Available for Hire

If anyone is interested in the expansión of their markets a friend of mine is looking for a job like a customer support in English (C1 ) and Spanish (native) at lowend price for any of you. he has worked like a customer support and has flexibility To cover your needs. He has basic server and WordPress knowledge. He is open minded so feel free To ask him about any future projects that you have in mind. A special price guaranteed.

Welcome to HB Chievo :slight_smile:

Thanks Ympker :wink:

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Welcome to the community!

thanks aonaphost for the welcome

FREE 3600 EUROS CREDIT (First 3 months COMPLETELY for FREE + Translation of the full website/system done for free )
MON-FRI 8:00-17:00 hours
SLA → Max 10 minutes

Pricing Risk Free , Price setup per ticket . No minimum monthly payments. Pay as you go .

Month 1 → 0 euros
Month 2 → 0 euros
Month 3 → 0 euros
Month 4 → 0.2 euros per ticket
Month 5 → 0.2 euros per ticket
Month 6 → 0.2 euros per ticket
Month 7 → 0.3 euros per ticket
Month 8 → 0.3 euros per ticket
Month 9 → 0.3 euros per ticket
Month 10–> 0.4 euros per ticket
Month 11–> 0.4 euros per ticket
From month 12 → 0.5 euros per ticket