VirMach's Free VPS Services: Exclusively For HostedTalk Members (Non-Recurring)

Right, but what I see is tasks are like a queue (albeit it is more like a priority queue), so if the queue is already too long (Setting up Ryzen, answering support tickets, processing aff payments, giveaways etc etc), then it might be best to not adding more things to the queue.

Here’s an idea: To automate this giveaway (or any other future giveaways) more easily, you can also just allocate X or Y resources and let reputable members/mods/admins to help you give them out. In my case I just helped a certain provider to giveaway some VPS for users who donated to any charity organisation.

Thanks and sorry for rushing you, but I really don’t know what is the best way to reach you, I tried PM, Discord and everything, waited for a month and nothing happened :cold_sweat: A lot of the time sending messages to you is like UDP connection, I can’t be sure whether I sent the packet successfully or it just drops somewhere in between. Sometimes I receive replies within hours and sometimes… never? I start to think maybe creating tickets will be easier for you :sweat_smile:

If I remember correctly you also have remote outsources support not in US, but either way I believe what you said about the scenario in US.

I might be too naive but I don’t get the reason behind collecting lots of hardwares but not putting them into the production. Hardware will depreciate its value over time, why not setup some in LA DC first since that’s closest to where your office is at? In that case you don’t have to wait longer to achieve ROI and can more easily cover back your cost to obtain more hardwares/IPs etc.

You might have a bit of OCD like I do but as a perfectionist I learnt about this quote years ago and I like it a lot. “The cost of perfection is infinite”, you can always find a better hardware, better cooling system, better price, better value but all these eventually takes up more efforts and time than it is worth it.

As you have so many servers available, running 1-2 of it in LA DC (For Beta/Alpha testers etc) can also allow it to be tested earlier in production to ensure it doesn’t overheat so easily or any other bottlenecks in the resources can be easily found.

Edit: That’s a very nice pile of Ryzen though

Wow really nice! Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

@VirMach No dice on the SSD1G? If not it’s ok. Just checking.

That picture in the wall. What does it say? I’m curious :smile:

I hope I’ll get mine by the time of the new year 2022, I guess location is the main culprit here Daniel got it first bcos he’s from the USA maybe

Just need a private message from you with your email. Sorry if you already sent it and I missed it, but I don’t remember getting one.

Oh, for a second I thought it was our business registration but I remembered that one fell and broke and then I misplaced it, need to get another copy. This one’s just our trademark certificate.

Nope, yours is the same reason’s as FAT32 unfortunately. Forgot I had you sending an email, will have to look for it (edit, not really edit but an edit while I was making the reply, found it.) That account gets hundreds of email every day.

I’m going to bring the conversation back here so I don’t forget again.

All the other stuff, I’ll have a conversation with you another time. To answer your question about collecting hardware, a lot of it is due to bulk suppliers and inconsistencies in pricing. At this point it’s gambling but I can’t have there be a random shortage when we really really need it so this is the bare minimum required and peace of mind.

As for why it’s not deployed and the costs there, you are correct, we technically lose money in many ways by not deploying them sooner. It’s just too many things going on to list and it ends up turning into a list of excuses which is not my intention so I stopped providing reasoning/updates on that for now.

Maybe I’ll post a breakdown of what happened AFTER we get it done, that way it’ll just be in the sake of transparency and not to be used as an excuse.


understandable no rush from my side :+1:t2:

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Oh God :joy:

I’d like to apply too, great offer! I’d like to dabble in Proof-of-Stake crypto networks, so I mainly need enough storage (30GB SSD should cover it) and sufficient memory and speed (can you do 2GB RAM?).

how about once pay for lifetime ? :heart_eyes:

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