What's You Server Naming Scheme/Convention?

I had two vps13s and didn’t notice until I went to add the DNS entries for it and noticed I already had one with that name. Oops.

Thinking of changing it to be location based instead (eg. au-mel01 or just mel01 for a server in Melbourne Australia). Still boring, but at least there’s less chance of conflicts.

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I suggest adding -bogan to differentiate CPUs.

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Servers are named after places in Tolkiens works.


Try to keep it : usage-country-location codeXX.example.com according to UN/LOCODE Code List by Country and Territory | UNECE

Take my Looking glass installations as examples: http://lg-no-san.mrvm.net
I use Country Locode as a start for most things I do that is planned to be used on more than one location.

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We asked a similar question last year on Twitter, but no one ever guessed the right answer. The picture is doctored, but there is a logic behind the fake names on them…I think there are enough clever minds here that someone will guess it quickly… --Katie, Marketing


Looks to be characters from Sci-Fi shows/movies. I immediately recognized Amy Pond from Dr. Who, T-800 from Terminator, and Hermione Granger from Harry Potter.

Admittedly, I didn’t realize the Doc’s first name was Emmett until I looked it up. Is there something more to the scheme presented than just random TV/Movie characters?

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Isn’t Ted Logan from Bill & Teds excellent adventure?

Okay let me guess…

I can say with 99% confidence that this is list of character who have travelled time from movies.

Aint I right?

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Hermiony has time turner. Terminator we all know. Ted logan, again time machine. Do I even say about emmett brown? Amy pond also traveled back in time.

I’m getting better at these riddle. Yay!


Yes, that’s definitely it!! Nice detective skills :slight_smile:


Mine make no sense because after awhile I get bored of it and use something else. The most memorable set was probably skin-related-diseases-and-decomposure. I am no longer an angsty teen.

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Weird flex, but ok.


Are you related to the guy that responded to the Hetzner tweet that he uses STDs to name his servers? lol

lol no

This is a great scheme to choose with many servers

Not confusing at all !

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Yep, that’s correct! Kudos to you! I’m glad that you figured it out :star_struck: It’s always kind of sad to come up with a puzzle like that and for it not to be solved. --Katie


I have given up on all these deterministic schemes .

Now I just pick short easy to spell common english words with some implied hint(that makes sense to me only)

eg. retired names: steel, kid, moat, weed, gas, silo, grain

They do not have a pattern on-purpose.
I can then optionally ALIAS or CNAME them with more descriptive names.

Edit: I realize I picked this up years ago from that mnx.io blog post too.

function number location if relevant .fqdn

e.g. stor1uk.inceptionhosting.com

fancy eh.

Until you migrate/move shit. Every so often I still have to remind myself why there are gaps.

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Wtf is skullfuck, alabama hot pocket and Cleveland Streamer