What's Your Favorite Web Server and Why?

Just check the timestamp, and if newer than combined, regen. It’s a pretty simple thing to do.

CERT=`date +"%s" -r /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/cert.pem`
COMB=`date +"%s" -r /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/combined.pem`
if [ $CERT -gt $COMB ]; then
  cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/privkey.pem /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/cert.pem > /etc/letsencrypt/live/example.com/combined.pem

Yes, timestamp should be sufficient. Thanks! :+1: And I should probably let it do a reload of the webserver. :slight_smile:

Well, yeah. It is just a proof of concept. Modify as necessary. :smiley:

Could prob use acme.sh to minimize the stuff installed, believe it can export certs to few diff ways

One thing I wonder with software like Caddy / Wedge, where the binaries are not built by your Linux distribution’s package maintainer:
How do you go about patching, making sure it’s not running vulnerable versions?

Seems I would have to make a systemd.timer/cron script to check for availability of new versions, and then download/build if there is …
(Maybe the default Golang webserver is built as a debian package? :star_struck:)

So far in my testing, H2O and Lighty are those I liked the most. Still need to do more benchmarking, but they seemed quick and reliable. And I guess I should also compare with good old Apache. (Still have to choose prefork or mpm version?)

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If you’re gonna run OOB software, you gotta handle it yourself.

Apache, because its just work. until traffic come and switch to Nginx.

I just ran a FreeBSD test VPS. And thttpd came up with pkg search httpd
(And also quite a few other interesting sounding alternatives. Wish I had taken a screenshot before wrecking the vm … :sweat_smile:)

FreeBSD 12 is quite different in some ways from the versions I remember well (4.x and maybe 7 or something).

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THTTPD is perfect for serving static content.

The source code (in C) is very small and easy to edit to your liking, I did many times in the past.

Didn’t you just mention some other new/really great performing web server somewhere, @anon40039896? (Ball Pit, maybe?) :thinking::smiley: Tried searching … :man_shrugging:

BTW: Lovely/great new avatar/profile pics! :slight_smile:
For future ref:

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Yes, I did…

Here it is, faster than nginX :

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Here’s a bigger version :

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Looks like it’s not in the TechEmpower benchmark yet… I’m curious as to whether it’s faster than Kestrel (the server used by ASP .NET Core). It’s one of the fastest servers in the benchmark, quite a bit faster than Nginx.

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Very intressting, i was (and i am still) and Apache guy but for i loved to use litespeed for it’s really well built cache on wordpress their support is pretty good too. But openlitespeed cache is really way worse than litespeed enterprise but loved to use it, as an Apache2 guy.

Nginx i still didn’t exactly looked at it because i saw a lot of systems like plesk simply use it as reverse proxy.

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Some benchmarks would be nice :wink:

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Haha but i meant it for the caching i can’t really test it out because the cache never worked for me on openlitespeed but you can see a lot of differences for exemple in the way php processes are managed i don’t know the interface is better on ols but on lsws it’s older but more efficient in some way.

But i never saw the thing “live” editing for the .htaccess it never worked for me at least
