Correct way to install php extension in Directadmin?


the above link is one way and the other is to go to directadmin custom build interface.

Now I installed a php extension using the link above and then by mistake I installed the same way in direkctadmin custom build interface

Can this cause issue? What did exactly happen? When to use what?

I don’t see this likely causing a problem. Think of it as you installed the software and then installed it again. The second overwrites the first, but doesn’t hurt anything. If you can install modules in the custombuild UI or command line, best to just do which you feel is most efficient for you.

Also welcome :slight_smile:

thanks for reply :slight_smile:

The Custombuild GUI in the web interface does exactly the same thing as just manually editing the custombuild config files. So like Jarland said, just use whatever you are comfortable with :slight_smile:

Yes but look my question is this , According to directadmin I created a folder called custom/php
and have copied my configure.php73 to there, To install a php extension I made changes I mean added a line in there too . ARE you familiar with Directadmin?

Now in Gui when I install the same software it seems the installation does other changes. That makes me confused. If you know Directadmin you will know what I mean . Sorry for my poor English

On my personal DA install, the behavior when using the custombuild GUI is the same as what is documented in the Help page.

You should not even have to create a folder called custom/php… it should already exist.

Thanks , No it did not exist on a fresh DA, It does not exist when you first install Da probably because you made some changes this folder was created in your case. The other thing is that when I install an extension from GUI I can see the file in that folder is not changed at all so that means apparently what you do in GUI does not effect that file?