cPanel webmail subdomain not working

When I enter I should be redirected to, but instead I see

This is a cPanel VPS. The domain is using Cloudflare:

Any ideas?

Try a different browser. cPanel likes to redirect to error messages with permanent 301, so browsers will automatically redirect even when the error’s gone.

Tested on Chrome and Safari. The same.

The IP resolved needs to be the IP assigned to the cPanel account as well.

Yes, IP is correct.

A bit late to the party, but if your provider has proxy subdomains disabled then you’ll see this message. Most providers disable this by default because it’s recommended in the CSF setup utility.

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I enabled it and still not working.

That’s why it was disabled!

Try clearing your browser cache; cPanel likes to use 301 redirects where they really shouldn’t

A /scripts/rebuildhttpdconf (think that’s right) never hurt anyone either, just for kicks.