General CloudFlare Outage (502) on 2 July

That’s their way of saying “Out of Stock”.

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Is there any other good dns hosting service for free? : /

Non Anycast yes but may result in higher latencies but not the big burner if you have 1h+ as TTL.
Anycast besides cloudflare not that I can think off.

Namecheap for example or

Selfhosted non anycast gets you somewhere 20-30$/y with 3 KVM’s not bad.

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Freshping doesn’t.

Just the front-end was affected on HetrixTools, all of the monitors and notifications kept running just fine in the background. Still not ideal, but at least everyone got spammed with downtime notifications :+1:


When I received the notification the first thing that came thru my mind was.,…

FUCK!!! someone started to migrate to Direct Admin without notifying first!! the M* fuckers! [insert more curse words here]…



Nice! I guess none of the sites I have being monitored by HT are behind CF. Interestingly, Uptime Robot didn’t send out any notifications even though I know for certain I am monitoring CF-based sites there. Maybe they have something built-in that suppresses mass notifications for wide outages like this.

I like NSD, myself.

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“Multiple” of mine :stuck_out_tongue:

My mind was: Fuck! @SmartHost is moving stuff from Vapornode without notice and they screwed up! (received wrong invoices in my mailbox hours ago)

Until I realized what was happening :sweat_smile:

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Note that they don’t support wildcard records (due to “abuse”)

Does HetrixTools have a way to differentiate between different CloudFlare errors, and know if the server is down, or CF is having some issue (or between other CF errors - SSL, etc)?

Not at this time, no. If your website is behind Cloudflare and it’s down, you will be alerted regardless of whos fault the downtime is (ie: your server, Cloudflare, etc).

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Gotcha, thanks!

Would love to see some CF error support added at some point, with the option to tell HT that we’re using CloudFlare (unless it figured out on its own), but I’m sure there are higher priority items…

Thanks again for an awesome service, definitely rather get alerted extra rather than not know at all!

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Monitor both the CloudFlare address and the backend IP.
Might need to whitelist Hetrix’s IP ranges in your firewall.

25 minutes of inactivity for my site because of Cloudflare.

Was just thinking of that… Have to test a bit, and I block pretty much everything besides CF’s IP ranges on the incoming web ports, but the concept should work…


Spike of errors per second recorded during the Cloudflare outage by our uptime monitoring nodes:

It was quite the show :dizzy_face:


I wonder whats their uptime statistics. Wonders of SLA.

Shit happens though. I love Cloudflare.