LET "Changes Are Coming"

Well, I got banned from LET, so there.

WSS and I seem to have so much in common. In fact, back on LET, lots seem to think that I am WSS.

You both run around with a scythe all day

Two entirely different class of scythes.

Mine is The nigh scythe.

WSS’ is a dick.

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Maybe he is, but he’s still our beloved dick here

What did you get banned for?

His end was nigh.


ZX, not quite ZZ but close enough.

A long story.

It all began with my quest to begin a covert campaign (AKA Coup d’état) to make FAT33 an admin. I started with simple bribing of CC staffs and worked my way up to a point that I could almost pull off digital assassination of Kris.
My motive for doing this was the lure of a unique troll tag which FAT29 promised verbally.

Then Kris found out and covertly tried to arrest me at which point FAT31 interfered. In the end though, I was ultimately banished to the mountains of Moria.


Look at the kind of crap that has been posted on LEB already:

Two “spring black friday” offers. Not even posted 6 months after the original black friday.


This shit is hilarious.

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 so, while I’m generally not one to go rushing off to file a complaint with the EU or whatever

and also should note: I ANAL (every chance I get) - which is to say I am not a lawyer, nor do I like to play one on internet forums or TV

there is an interesting (albeit generally entirely theoretical) concept in the EU as well as in the erstwhile jurisprudence of the good old USA 

that being: “unfair business practices”

just a possibly useful phrase to casually drop into any hypothetical correspondence with higher-ups at Deluxe and/or Colocrossing - should anyone feel inspired to waste more time on this - for the lulz or whatever.

And definitely should also always keep in mind that barratry may or may not be a capital offense these days, so would avoid going past at least one layer of abstraction (ie, threatening to threaten to sue) - lest the pay lawyers on the other side of the wire die laughing. (“Low-end class action incoming - have the accounting department set aside $7 for the settlement!”)

But - tl;dr being basically that the concept of “unfair business practices” may be a large part of what decent providers as well as customers are ultimately dealing with in the continuing saga of CC’s low-end scam mill on LEB (and the obvious spillover on LET).

EDIT: one interesting angle when lawsuits go down of course is the formal process of “discovery” - production of documents and testimony under oath. That could certainly be worth its weight in gold - forget the $7 (I imagine whatever money involved is not really what this is all about - though I could be wrong about that as well.)

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Me too but this hardly feels like the right place.


indeed. This potentially disturbing imagery may be entirely inappropriate for the ballpit this thread, and I sincerely apologize for the lame innuendo and any distress it has caused to the innocent and guilty alike.


If you replace LET with woman this song might help

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I’m still on LET

Different name, though

Get on my level, bro.

We got posted on LEB today. Didn’t took long fortunately :slight_smile:

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Los Angeles, California, USA

Test IPv4: speed.hetzner.de

Ruh roh raggy! At least the test file is correct :slight_smile:


Not my fault :grin::metal: