Lifetime/One-time Deals Worth Considering

Thank you for pointing out Qubely.
I’ve started to research into it and I did find out that they are running a lifetime deal on appsumo right now.
I’m extremely interested in starting to invest into gutemberg, which is going to be the future, and qubely looks good from this point of view.
In the appsumo reviews there are quite some complaints about compatibility with themes and glitches though, what’s your experience with it?
Would you suggest to buy their lifetime deal?
Thank you

Yeah, @404error and me got the LTD :slight_smile:
It worked fine with me so far (using Astra Theme or Blocksy, or Divi)

did you buy the 149$ unlimited deal?
and do you know better/more stable alternatives on gutemberg at the moment?
thank you

Yeah 3*49$. Nah dont know any better ones :confused:

great, I think I will test it for a couple of hours and then go for it

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Yeah, you can test the free version to your liking :slight_smile:

Edit @Mangooz : I created the landing page with Qubely for example:

The other pages from the homepage is a mix of Qubely and Divi but will switch all to Qubely.

Thank you very much for the examples!
I’m testing qubely on localhost in this right moment.
I was also considering the idea of buying divi lifetime soon (I’m investing in tools since I’m doing more and more webdesign jobs at the moment), but I don’t like the idea of buying a bloated builder that leaves shortcodes around when is disabled. I don’t like the yearly licenses of elementor or beaver builder, even if I’m not sure if their free version could be complemented by some lifetime addon packages by third parties.

I was thinking about going for oxygen builder and qubely as well, or eventually even livecanvas that you posted earlier today; it looks very simple, clean and fast.
As a general theme I’m also considering astra lifetime unlimited, since oceanwp lifetime is now limited at 25 sites and generatepress is not offering a lifetime since 2016.

Since it looks like that you are experienced and that you are working with wordpress for a living, do you have any good recommendation? which are your preferred tools (good and flexible) with lifetime unlimited licenses?

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Short list of LTDs for WP I have:

Divi, Qubely, AIO WP Migration. To add: Astra, Microthemer

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I’m confused why it have so much low ratings on WP

Thank you.
What do you think of divi?
Did you pay 399$ for the lifetime of microthemer or you did catch a discount?

I’m see these ratings on wordpress in this page. Not a lot of reviews though


I meant this, sorry for the miss understanding.

Yes, Divi has been worth it for sure. Used it on many sites and not having to worry about recurring sub is nice.

Microthemer I didnt buy yet. Waiting for BF deal.

Qubely is fine imho.

No idea why Gutenberg even has a plugin that can be rated. Isnt it integrated into new wp installs by Default now?

I would take the numbers with a grain of salt, considering the authors … :laughing:
But of course a plain rendered HTML loads faster. But with LSCache etc loaded and similar content, I bet differences are smaller.

I like the idea of LiveCanvas, considering it … (But can’t really defend getting too many LTD at >$100, as web design is quite secondary to my business.) :slight_smile:


And its a big, central, feature of wordpress. Not “just a detail”.

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Kinda weird imho. I always think “is it smth like an Advanced Gutenberg” or special version? But seems like it is just plain Gutenberg that is installed by default.

Hmm, I guess parts of this thread could be moved to a separate Wordpress topic or something… :slight_smile:

I think it’s because Gutenberg was developed separately and could be tested/installed separately before it was default. And if it can be removed new, that’s nice, maybe … :slight_smile:

BTW: Is MicroThemer sort of like LiveCanvas? :thinking:

That makes sense.

@Ympker If I were to buy a new template builder i’d go for this;

for $99 It includes 4 builders.
The one above, plus;

Seems that they plan to merge it all into one.


It would be very interesting to know if, when you buy the lifetime, you receive the files of the builders so that you can selfhost them (even locally), or if you can just use their builder with an account on their site as a saas service.
I see a big difference between the two

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I’m convinced its an SaaS. The $99 will give you access to all the 4 builders (soon to be merged), but for only one account.
AFAIK you use the builder and then export the result/site and get it live on your server/shared hosting/whatever.

I wish it was selfhosted.