Lifetime/One-time Deals Worth Considering

Haha :smiley:

Have you seen this one?

I’m thinking on gettig it but I read that this is their second LTD and that development been almost non existent. whoever this was on the previosu group that ran the first ltd and the owner was pissed at them, claims she didnt’ get her % after claiming earlier that they don’t do money on the deals…
So … looking for some unbias opinion cause pitchground is known for “difficult” refunds.

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It doesn’t look bad, but for me is all I#d ever need. So perhaps I’m not the right person to ask this. LTDs which lack development are always a warning signal though. With Glorifyapp, I now have a way better feeling than before where I was hesitating to buy. Their support has been great and I talked to the owner (Omar) 20 minutes on phone about where the project it’s headed. Gave me the feeling the money was well spent.

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Yeah If what they were saying about the Capturly is true, then it’s definitly a red flag, problem is that these groups are dirty in how they compete with each other, so I can’t really take their word on any deal promoted elsewhere.

The last group I thought was honest is Marchtech, but then I found out that the moderator that pushes the deals is a “review guru” or whatever he calls himself… so basically he makes money while claiming the group does not make money in any way. Technically he’s correct… which makes me hate the approach even more.

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Hmm maybe check for some more reviews. Ask yourself whether the current future set would be enough to justify yourself working x hours to get it. If the answer is yes, go for it.

Also have a look at . They have a nice list :wink:

Yeah I was gonna mention Uffdata here, some guys here really are data analysis whores… Hi @Jarland

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Also pretty cool: Doodly - Easily Create Whiteboard Doodle Videos In Minutes!

A lot of YouTubers seem to use smth like this.

I can’t not think of What makes it that much different than Skitch?

Never heard of Skitch. Will check it out!

I just bought Doodly and it is super awesome! I will use it for some of my class presentations :wink:

Well I might buy it.

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It’s pretty cool, though access to the whole collection of their graphics is behind another 97$ paywall. Standard gives you a fraction of it. Head to “pricing” on their website and compare Standard vs Enterprise. You will see the difference in numbers. For me standard is totally fine from what I can see (still has a lot of prefabs etc available) and you can basically import any royalty free (or other) black-white graphics ( I imported speech bubbles from pixabay etc) and it automatically does the “drawing effect” for them (which you an supposedly adapt to your liking) so I don’t see much of an issue. Right after you purchase they offer the upgrade for 97$, I declined. It would be easier and offer more media but since you can import your own I cba to pay the upgrade. 30 day money back guarantee, too. I paid with PayPal to make sure

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Tag me if LiveAgent comes back, please.

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Will try :wink:

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Thanks for the heads up on their hidden upgrade thing.

I gave a thought and came to conclusion that I have just 1 video to make for my alma matter’s committee presentation.

So I’ll pass :stuck_out_tongue:

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Fair enough. It seems for now that I am happy with Doodly but I’ve still got almost a whole month to refund if I’m not.

Me too

Design Wizard Pro lifetime looks cool: 39$

Comes with “Reseller rights”. Maybe you can sell it to clients, too?

@BlaZe @404error

According to Stacksocial the sale is on for 6 more days. Fair enough to give the DesignWizard free plan a roll before buying to check it’s usability out.

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I’m holding up my money for Black Friday. Will go crazy then and buy many lifetime stuff.


I think they mean you can sell the designs you do with their app, to your clients. But… let’s be honest here… it’s a fake bonus as you can always do that with any design tool.

Anyhow, it looks interesting.
They were in AppSumo back in 2018. Design Wizard | AppSumo

did you get it?