Private clouds

Any info or reviews on private clouds. I know this is bigger money so I may not get much… I spend $XXXX monthly on private cloud services. Who knows maybe I’m not with the right provider?

I have 298 vCPU at 2.0GHz each and 240 GB RAM. 5072 GB on a nexenta nas. Not a small account I’d think by far. We are a quasi gov’t entity. No scrubs, basically.

No joke, if I could just get a bunch of servers from OVH in USA I would. I can’t due to business rules blah blah state statutes blah blah.

Edit: This is a vSphere environment currently. 10+ vApps used to segregate things.

You talked to @HIVELOCITY? Looks like they have a few different options Private Cloud Solutions | Bare Metal Cloud | Hivelocity

I haven’t ever needed any, but have friends who are happy with OVH’s product. Maybe just have to wait until they get it launched in their new VA datacenter?

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Honestly, seeing them here and viewing their site is what led me to this question.

Ah, gotcha. Can’t be more helpful than to point at different solutions. OVH should be worth a look though - think they bought VMware cloud last year or something. If it’s quasi-gov’t though you probably need to wait for it to launch under their US entity in new DC.

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Good luck even explaining the marketing to a US gov’t entity. The problem I have currently (with their US offering now…) is because the data may interact / flow over / via their offsite locations… I’m not a gov’t entity, I don’t have much say even if what they claim if untrue / just plain stupid. It’s fun. :slight_smile:

They literally say close your doors… If I don’t, hello business ending lawsuits. I can’t even have wifi technically… I do… It’s another IP so ya. If they ask it’s a separate network entirely.

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You ust reminded me of NorthHosts’ network… They had the wireless LAN connected to their main network and customers were sending jobs to their printer. Good times! :slight_smile:


Every so often I broadcast PCL commands to random open networks.

Feed me a stray catspare toner.

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Never heard the full story but that is hilarious!

It really wasn’t hilarious at all.

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I mean, wasn’t the guy running the servers hidden or something like that?

Nope. He was pretty upfront about most things. Shady, sure. But did nothing to prompt/trigger the network attack. He had poor network security - I get that. But when members of a community you think are good people decide to abuse the poor security (with malicious intent in one case) rather than informing him it becomes very much un-funny.


This was perpetrated by discunts, right?


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Indeed, if that’s the case, damn.

I can’t speak for others but ProxMox and OpenStack have been very popular private cloud solutions for us. We are trying to do more Nutanix Acropolis but the entry point on those is a bit higher (worth it though).

Problems with that approach unless I’m missing something… I don’t want to be responsible for that infrastructure, just the infrastructure I’ll create inside the environment. Do not have the man power to handle all that.


[quote=“MCHPhil, post:16, topic:151, full:true”]
Problems with that approach unless I’m missing something… I don’t want to be responsible for that infrastructure, just the infrastructure I’ll create inside the environment. Do not have the man power to handle all that.
[/quote]Private cloud can be paired with managed services like anything else.

That’s exactly what I have currently and was just testing the waters. Doesn’t seem to be much info available regarding these bigger deployments. Or maybe I’m looking in the wrong place or asking the wrong questions.

TBF, I don’t care what the underlying tech is centered around. Right now it’s vCloud with a Nexenta NAS. Works well.

Ultimately just wondering if there is something better or more cost effective. I spend ~$3x,xxx a year on this deployment. That includes 2-3TB for Veaam backup. Again, I don’t manage anything related here, not even Veaam.

Should I be moving my architecture to something like openstack built on top of my ESXI/vCloud environment? I’ve been thinking about that but meh nested virtualization…