[Weekly Poll] Tabs vs. Spaces

You’ll hear this question pop up and start a debate in tech circles and tech shows (i.e. Silicon Valley) – how do you indent while writing code, tabs or spaces?

There’s valid points for and against each option, but I personally use tabs and not spaces. Spaces can be a nightmare to work with sometimes while writing code, especially in programming languages, such as Python, where the number of spaces/tabs are vital for your code to run correctly.

What side do you stand on?

  • Tabs
  • Spaces
  • Both Interchangeably (I’m a psychopath)
  • No Preference

0 voters

(I’m a psychopath) It depends on the language and quality required

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I resemble this.




Tabs mess up my Python thingy and spaces takes forever in C.


Tabs tend to format better across editors


Tabs or pink slip.

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Whatever I feel like :slight_smile: Or if my editor by default turns tabs into 4 spaces… that happens as well.

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4 spaces for me please

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1 word about spaces. Yaml.


I hate yaml so very much. Though I appreciate the editor that converts tabs into spaces for it. Can never remember which ones do that though, because I’m always in nano.

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Alias sn=‘sudo nano’
Lol, this is on all my machines


It just occurred to me: is there any performance hit (however miniscule it may be) when using space/s vs. tab?

I wouldn’t have thought so… I guess it depends how many spaces you use :thinking:

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Tab width:4. i convert anything to Tab, for me its easier to read on web development.

but legends use space, because “If its hard to code, its must be hard to read.” :joy::joy::joy: