What are you doing right now? - Personal Projects Showcase

I’m currently working on quite a few projects. The main thing I’m focusing on right now though (as of the past day or so) is rewriting Plexus in Go. Hopefully I’ll have a release in the next couple of days :slight_smile:

Aside from that, after months of considering it, I finally bought a 3D printer (a Creality Ender 3 Pro per @ChrisM’s recommendation). It’s been quite the journey figuring out a slew of issues, but things are looking good now!


Let me know if you need help on containerizing it or anything :+1:


I’m sure I’ll be fine, but I would appreciate a brief code review once it’s released :smiley:

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Does this include personal, non-IT, projects that I’m meant to be doing but don’t seem to have the time for?


Just referring to my brand whilst trying to seem cool :stuck_out_tongue:

Very wise words indeed! Thank you Katie :slight_smile:


Good job your brand name doesn’t start with a D


Le progress


Looks clean & simple. I like :slight_smile:

Interesting things can happen if you mix 2 different themes together.

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A month and change onwards and not much more than I had done to then.

Apart from getting sidetracked a couple of times and installed a Mastodon instance (using Docker for the first time), discovered the wonders of lsd/exa replacements for ls, extended LS_COLORS, set up Nextcloud and regretted it, and hacked a FolioReader sample to highlight text in quotation marks (injecting span class into the html of the epub page).

Oh and updated my old VPSDime vps after they finally moved it from OVZ6 to Virtuozzo 7. It had been running Ubuntu 16.04 32Bit. So upgraded to 18.04, and was then puzzled why it wouldnt get 20.04 or 19.10. Then I discovered that Ubuntu had dropped 32 bit support in 19.10 facepalm

The rest of the time … nada. (oh yeah applied for some part time work with Francisco as Part time support rep, coz I need some part time work)

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I’m going down then “non-IT” personal projects route, and hopefully fitting a 5 speed gearbox to the horsebox (as well as some other jobs) before getting it ready for a good lick of paint.


I’m dangerously close to starting a bike project, and I don’t even have my license (just did motocross every weekend when I was a kid). Must avoid YouTube so that I can ween myself off build compilations / timelapses.

Although I’ve got a million projects, I can finally post about one that I actually completed :joy: It was meant to be started and finished on Friday, but got stuck on a problem and dragged it into the weekend, finished it an hour ago. I ported a Windows driver manual mapper technique (specifically abusing this: Exploiting a Windows 10 PagedPool off-by-one overflow (WCTF 2018) | j00ru//vx tech blog) to DMA (utilizing this: GitHub - ufrisk/pcileech: Direct Memory Access (DMA) Attack Software). I do wonder if it being a paid gig had something to do with it getting completed :thinking: but it also happened to be a personal project, something I’d had on the TODO list for a while.

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Never really got into (motor)bikes much. Ridden a few, and my borther is big into them but dunno just never appealed to me, but go for it! Take the engine off and add some pedals, all for that!

Money is always a good motivator!

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Testing could begin this weekend.

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Micro #deadpool ? :smile: (title header)

Reinstall is up and working fine.
Need to do a few more tests before I can open it for testing publicly


So, here’s a little update from my side:
I am currently looking to build a cheap, portable mini pc-box that should function as a “portable” casual gaming system (think design of a console, or HTPC) based on Linux to play casual (co-op) games in Hotels, AirBnBs or elsewhere in the living room by simply taking it with me and attaching it to the TV (HDMI) :slight_smile:

I plan to use some basic Linux OS install (perhaps there is a one specificly for gaming?), throw Steam on it (read a bit into wine/proton and whether I’ll need it) and have it boot into Steam Big Picture mode. Also wanna plug my XBOX Controller for PC in it (hoping it works for linux, too), or, alternatively, buy a compatible pair of controllers.

Currently my idea is to look for some Mini ITX or ATX case and mb and add a cheap CPU with integrated graphics chip into it. Either Atom or perhaps intel UHD/ryzen. I want to build it mostly by utilizing used hardware as I wanna go cheap but some parts may be better to purchase as brand-new.
Any recommendations on whether to lookf or an ITX or ATX setup? I take it ITX is the smallest?

Any suggestions/feedback is appreciated :slight_smile:

The games I’ll play do not need any high specs. Basically it would be games with system requirements like like Stardew Valley, Rayman Legends, or anything on this list pastebin: intel atom game list

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My only advice is to steer clear from the atom processors, especially if you’ll be doing any gaming at all on it. Go for a low power i3 instead, maybe. I’ve never had any good experiences on any machine (server or personal) with an atom chip. Just is too slow for anything driving a GUI.

Latest Ubuntu with Proton is probably the best bet for widest compatibility from what I’ve seen.

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Thanks for the feedback @Mason :slight_smile: Gonna look for a used i3 then, I guess. Do they come with Intel HD Graphics? With AMD it’s always the G line but for Intel I never know exactly haha.
Atom is indeed not great, although I was able to run League of Legends on a Winpad with an Atom.

Proton it is, then :slight_smile: