What are you doing right now? - Personal Projects Showcase

Yeah that’s only fair. I guess none of us can tell until we really find out. But the odds of agencies going after HostSolutions are much slimmer than them going after the big VPN providers IMO. But my guess is as good as yours.

As for PleX, I run an i5 with 16 GB of RAM and 18 TB of storage at home and 99.99% of my content originates from usenet (which is pretty safe with TLS enabled anyways, tunneling that traffic over a VPN is not a necessity, it’s just a precaution). I don’t share my server with anyone, except for the girlfriend. I might share my backup PleX server with some folks in the future, which is a cheap unlimited GDrive (~ 8$) and Hetzner CX11 instance (~ 3$) that does not support transcoding but that’d be very, very limited and only with persons I completely trust.

BuyVM is registered in Canada I think. I’m not sure how the laws are in Luxembourg but I don’t expect any DMCA complaint since I’m using usenet over TLS. The only thing that could possibly happen is an indexer leaking IP addresses / NZB downloads which is why I’m happy to not have my IP address listed there.

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Fair enough. Then again, these kinda agencies are probably (hopefully) just gonna be told that the VPN provider didn’t log and the IP is shared by multiple users (so much for the theory). If it’s the NSA or someone like that knocking both our approaches are probably doomed or it’s at least a whole other story. But I trust my VPN providers at least enough to turn down the dmca and choose locations in the mentioned countries.

Your setup sounds pretty solid and also at home though. I never got that “outside” connection going with Plex, I’m sure i have asked here multiple times, it never worked. This Dual Stack Lite thing from Vodafone is just a pita for any selfhosted stuff outgoing. I could use Fritzbox DNS IPv6 only for outgoing but often enough while on the go my end device (e.g. phone carrier mobile internet) does not have IPv6 so it’s doomed.

For that reason I am really just using it at home now (which is still nice and all with Plex now officially supporting my RPi 3B+).

Could the agencies you mentioned not just buy a Usenet account from popular usenets and then track IPs, too? Or is that not possible?

Anyway if at some point my questions become stupid just ignore them :wink:

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PleX actually offers relay functionality that should help restore connectivity with your Carrier-grade NAT :slight_smile: . The easiest / best solution would be to simply route traffic over a self-hosted VPN though. I’m doing the same, all of the stuff I self-host at my place goes through Luxembourg first (except for PleX - I see no need for that in my case). An SSH tunnel should work too but in my opinion a VPN is a more stable option.

No that’s not possible at all. The only thing you connect to with usenet is a server from which you pull your data. It’s not a peer to peer file distribution like torrents. Your ISP is able to see connectivity to the IP addresses of the usenet providers but that’s all they can see since the communication is encrypted.

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Thanks for the headsup! Maybe, one day when I have time I’ll check that out again and perhaps drop you a pm :slight_smile:

Ah, fair enough. Although I remember having heard smth about logging/non-logging usenet providers which makes it a trust issue again, right?

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Yeah that’s right but I think that’s an old mythe or something. But even then, most of the usenet filenames are obfuscated to a point they don’t make sense so you’d need an indexer to link the filename to an actual movie or episode even if you have a log file showing I downloaded “737nfidhdie837&8$eudhsidie.rar”

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Fair enough :slight_smile: Wasn’t trying to best you just wanted to understand hehe
Thanks for bearing with me and explaining :wink:

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Some other gardener that works/ed for :it: prometeus me thinks , “uncle” being prometheus owner .

Linux isos Sir.


just don’t.


All I know is he had some lengthy discussions and things I’d rather not waste my time into . Even forgot if which controversial topic that was ( religion , politics, etc) but kept seeing him blocked over and over :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry for derailing the subject.

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Well, that’s all I needed to know, I guess :smiley: Thanks!

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So, the idea was, NanoKVM but micro and with LXC, without proxmox.
For lightweight applications like monitoring or a bouncer.


That, Sir, looks dope!

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The verification works already.

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A LET legend.

Came across some of his stuff looking through old threads … Wow …

Do those have integrated encrypted chat per individual torrent ?

And just look at the detailed feedback you get :

Not saying this is the best thing since sliced bread, I’m more qbit and Transmission myself, but it certainly works like a charm with the ASM optimized routines.

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@Ympker at it again with the good thread ideas.

I’m struggling to think of things that justify as a personal project, doing a lot of the big S.

I did start making use of a couple of domains I bought a while ago to gain some experience blogging and maybe do something with that one day, or just use the skills to improve my blogging for the big S. A couple of other websites here and there. Tl;dr I am doing a lot of writing, and some of it is absolute shit.


Sounds fun :smiley:

What is “the big S”? Sorry for asking - sometimes I feel prematurely old/out of it.
I think every writer produces a lot of poor and mediocre material before they create something valuable. It’s a skill that demands a lot of time, practice, and patience. I think as long as you can figure out why something in your writing seems shitty, you’re already making progress. But I’d say you should also take the time to find what you like in each of your pieces, too, even if it’s just one or two phrases. You’re probably your biggest critic. --Katie


I like homemade cables. Audio, Video, Network, Power. Some newer and retro cables for older audio and computer hardware. Roland and Akai (Zip drive) and old Commodore 64 and Amiga cables. Rewiring and grounding my late 80’s turntables is high on the to do list.

Also working on a portable smoker BBQ from old donated propane unit, and some Flintstonesque accessories like wood/charcoal furnace starter. More in tune with some of my usual McGyver redneck projects.