Cheap/Free DNS Service Suggestions?

I’ve been trying some providers with anycast (want to get rid of my BuyVM anycast machines since it’s going to get more expensive as BuyVM add more locations) and DNSMadeEasy is at least an order of magnitude cheaper than I thought it’d be for such an enterprise-y provider. $5/month for 25 zones, 7500 records and 10M queries per month. Their anycast network is by far the best I’ve seen, except maybe Cloudflare. Their real-time stats are pretty good too (Cloudflare are definitely lacking in that area). Their web UI is extremely dated, but I’d be using them for secondary DNS so I’d visit it very rarely after the initial setup.

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Yup they do! I’m actually using them now with DNSSEC.
I’m not sure what I was thinking when I wrote that! :grin:

To those using these DNS services, do you bother doing vanity nameservers (

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Did anyone here use this DNS (standard or anycast by

Would be interested if it works with @nem’s ApisCP. :slight_smile:

If anyone would like to take up the API integration, let me know. There are several boilerplates to work off of but eight is more than enough for me to keep track of exclusively. Both Cloudflare and Hetzer work without requiring products from them if that helps!

Just tried, it doesn’t seem like their servers really are anycasted: testing from several locations, I always ended up having my requests sent to Russia. Maybe a temporary problem on their side, but likely not a very good option if anycast is a top priority.

Also tried Zilore, their DNS servers perform very nicely and the free plan can do a lot, but what they offer is pretty limited (no AXFR, no DNSSEC).

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It’s going to be interesting to test BunnyCDN’s DNS service: :sweat_smile::sunglasses:


Indeed! Given that they are going to enable DNSSEC on top of what they say they currently provide, they’ll have a really wide set of features. Probably one of the best options for the future if price matters, and a good EU based alternative to CF.

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We use , their premium DNS is very reliable and the pricing is good also

The problem is compared to cloudflare, that you need to pay the queries. I must say it’s not expensive but for some it could be a problem.

Wasn’t that only if you needed scripting or something? :sweat_smile:
(I only skimmed through very fast.)

I’m switching two sites over to OVH’s free DNS servers. I haven’t benchmarked it, but it seems pretty decent. I’m sure a lot of people here have used it, but no one suggested it here yet.

I used OVH DNS when I bought 3 cheap domains on sale. Meh. Still can’t beat 1984

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I guess it’s easy to beat the ovh interface…

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True, it’s not terribly pleasing to the eye, but it’s also so slow

My favorite is the unintuitive regional accounts. I don’t have a US account because US accounts don’t have the same features as IE ones. I have to login to instead of

A while ago microLXC started offering dnsdist, which is basically a DNS proxy service.
So you can run your own dns server behind NAT.

However, I only suggest use it as secondary dns, since right now technical there is a window where the proxy will be reloaded for a few seconds now and then and may not reply.