[MXroute] Hosted Email Promo (50GB storage, $25/year, unlimited accounts)

You’re welcome to purchase a new plan and move your stuff over to it, but there’s no way to smoothly transition between promotions or between normal plans and promotions.

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Hey @Jarland does this allow allow for account organization? as in separate panels.
I missed the reseller promo.


Afraid not. But the reseller promos have sold at an oddly slow rate. I hard calculated them in to revenue so I haven’t removed their stock.


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I think I can push a few out the door :thinking:

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We have a community member here who likes to open PayPal disputes after repeatedly agreeing to a no refunds policy. @lebidule must think he’s entitled to being paid for testing my product.

$25 USD a year, recurring?

Try reading the body instead of just the subject/topic :slight_smile:

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This ^

What are the upgrade options for the CM Reseller50 plan?

I.e Upgrade to standard pricing or purchase a new plan?

Your Reseller150 seems to cost a few $ more than 3x50GBs but I get the simplicity of not offering that as an upgrade option, with different servers and set ups etc etc.

Wondering about this as well…

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Do you have plans to offer EU exclusive accounts too in near future?

Yes :cry:

Even then, it’s still a bargain :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t quite follow your math …

50gb reseller $10/mo x 3 = $30/mo

but the 150gb reseller plan is $25/mo

So, your math doesn’t quite compute.


He’s referring to the special deals :wink:

50Gb Reseler x 3 = $75 / Year
150Gb Reseller = $85/Year

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Great work on the iPhone app, using react native?

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Ahh … darn promos! :stuck_out_tongue: Gotcha!

Still $9 a year or 75 cents a month difference? The convenience of all client accounts under one reseller account rather than 3 makes that amount worth it, to me at least. :slight_smile:


I think Crossbox used this framework: https://cordova.apache.org/

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It would be great if you add Spanish to DA (if it is available).


I just don’t know if @Jarland can add more to his list of things to do with each new server deployment.

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