Praising Hetzner

@Falzo Thanks for the benchmarks and the props! :smiley: --Katie


Hi guys, here’s a nice little tutorial to help you wrap up the week: "Provisioning a highly available load balancer in Hetzner Cloud with Ansible"
Maybe it’ll be useful for a few of you! --Katie


It is !

Checking it out now, thanks for sharing… :wink:

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Ever feel like Golidlocks when you’re server shopping…? This server has too much of one resource. This server has too little of it. But then you find the server that is juuuust right, and it makes your day!
Well, we hope you’ll feel like Golidlocks when you look at our newest AX server, the AX61-NVME.
Happy Monday! --Katie


I have been using Hetzner for about 3 months now. Could not be happier.


That’s great to hear! What products are you currently using? --Katie

Just ordered a SB44 :slight_smile:

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10 minutes later, and BOOM! server :slight_smile:


I’m glad to hear you’re happy with the deployment time! :smiley: I like that the arrival of the server also had some onomatopoeia. All the best things do! :wink: --Katie

Damn that’s so cool i saw about it yesterday while i was eating looks very intressting for this price.

But i always had a question the setup is manual because of the setup price?

No, but to keep the monthly cost lower they put some of the hardware costs upfront, if you need to keep the server for a period of time this saves you in the long run vs paying more monthly.

Once hardware is older and they release a new “generation” and its upfront cost is “paid” off they then end up in the auction environment where its setup fee free, which is handy if you just need to spin up a server for a month or two.


What @ashsg writes is roughly right. We want to encourage long-term relationships with customers, so our pricing scheme is organized in a way that the longer you use the newer servers, the more money you save because the monthly prices are so low.
If a customer needs a short term solution without a setup fee, the Hetzner Cloud servers or Server Auction servers are good options. --Katie


As usual, late to the party…buuuuttttt… I just got a dedi off the auction and… I might be in love!


Whether you’re bored because you’re stuck at home, or you need a distraction to get you through a dry day at the office, this tutorial might be for you. We just added it to our Community page! --Katie


Today I learned what a Focal Fossa is. Why? Because it’s the code name for Ubuntu’s 20.04 version, which is now one of our standard OPs on Hetzner Cloud. So now you can spin up servers and have this furry creature running things in just a few seconds.

We’ve also recently added Fedora 32 on Hetzner Cloud really quickly for your enjoyment. --Katie



Um… I think you mean Fedora 32 :wink:

Yes, that’s what I meant. Thanks @aaronstuder for the correction. :smiley:
I suppose it’s a good thing that tomorrow is a holiday. :wink: --Katie

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We’ve got another tasty treat in our Community Tutorials – this one teaches you how to set up a Microk8s cluster.

Not used Microk8s before? Check it out.

In an unrelated topic, one of our co-workers got a great picture of our one of our cloud leaf switches, and I thought it looked pretty spiffy.

Happy Friday! :smile: --Katie


The image is pretty cool c: !

I knew about microk8s but i didn’t knew it was holded canonical the tutorial looks pretty nice i will give it look if i have some spare time.

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