Ympker's Multipurpose Kit for Debian-Based Servers

Thanks, looks nice :slight_smile:

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The list has potential: :wink:


Also thanks to @Wolveix @FHR and everyone else that is following along and contributing :slight_smile:


Typo in line 89, bench.sh does not work.
Should be changed from:
curl bench.sh | bash
curl -Lso- bench.sh | bash

Well, at least was a problem on my Ubuntu :slight_smile:

Edit: BTW, great project @Ympker (and great mods by @Wolveix) :slight_smile:


Interesting. Because yesterday I wanted to record a video with obs showing Centos, Ubuntu and Debian multi exec console in MobaXTerm using Ympkit and Ubuntu and Debian ran bench.sh just fine :thinking: Centos didnā€™t, but oh, wellā€¦

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Yeah, itā€™s because of a change that I unintentionally made. Turns out my final commit didnā€™t push last night. If I get a chance once I get into the office, Iā€™ll push it.


@Wolveix some nice improvements you pushed there hehe :smiley:
The menu is now way more in order:


Updated OP to include new pic and demo :slight_smile:Updated GitHub Readme :slight_smile:


Glad you like the changes! I basically just reused the code from Plexusā€™ config function haha. It makes navigation significantly easier and improves small screen usability. It essentially required a full rewrite, but it looks so much cleaner now. The code is easier to navigate too since you donā€™t need to check each function against a table of contents haha.


Canā€™t wait to read through the changes. Itā€™s really exciting as I learn along the way :stuck_out_tongue: And donā€™t worry about your commits. They are really contributing and speeding things up. Wouldā€™ve taken me a lot longer to get smth like this done. Some things I might not have even thought of. If you push smth I donā€™t like (which I up to this moment doubt), Iā€™ll contact you and we can just make a branch :slight_smile:


I suggest a rename to YmpWolveKit.

Just kidding, great initiative! And a great way of practicing bash.

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To anyone (now or in the future) disliking @Wolveix involvement in this (which I highly doubt), that is to say him having taken over the wheel a bit recently, Iā€™ll say this:

My intention was to kickstart this project to facilitate my workflow on Debian-based Systems as I grew very fond of @eva2000 impressive Centmin Mod and thought it would be great to have something like this for Debian based systems. I never planned to take all the credit. There is a reason why I shared my idea of this project with the community and if anything, Iā€™m more than happy to see so many people getting excited about the project and contributing in several ways (commits/ideas/testingā€¦). I take it my knowledge about coding in bash is limited and there is only so much I could have done and it might have taken me way longer to implent some things. The second goal was to learn something about bash coding along the way and your feedback and @Wolveix involvement has been contributing to that. So by all means letā€™s continue this cool project and make it something we all can be proud of :slight_smile:

ALSO: I did not want to offend anyone by writing this and I ahve also not taken any offense by anyone. It is just that more and more people recognize @Wolveix involvement in this project (which is positive) so I thought a statement would be appropriate :wink:


Added wget to dependencies of CentOS as the LunaNode template of CentOS 7 wouldnā€™t include wget by default (odd, but welp I never use CentOS, really) :slight_smile:

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Manā€¦ the Brits really try to take over everything, donā€™t they? :stuck_out_tongue:

Just kidding. Great to see a community effort here! Iā€™m also hoping to contribute some as well since I find bash scripting really fun. Keep up the good work guys! Excited to see where this project goes :slight_smile:


Haha :smiley: They do, right?

Thanks! I am excited myself to see where this is going. Exams will hinder my contribution this month but afterwards I hope to be able to add some more again.

With the current feature set however, I have already saved a lot of time when setting up some news test servers to some setup Iā€™d be comfortable with :wink:

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Itā€™s not the Britsā€¦ itā€™s the damn furries.


Probably will add an option for a ā€œcleanā€ WordPress installation soon, too. Not Easy Engine. Just plain WordPress.

Probably gonna adjust this one (itā€™s a fork from a kinda old script but still should be about the same process; gonna test it first) a bit and integrate it: https://gist.github.com/NicolasLoew/a4e0ef02252d8a1f38beec8428286c9d

Right now it even removes default plugins and themes. Wondering whether Iā€™d keep it like that or delete that part.

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Best WordPress ever. Now export it to RSS and import it into TextPattern.


I love your kind of humor. Although I donā€™t always get it (because sometimes it seems Iā€™ve missed out on some cool stuff from a few generations before me), it makes me crack a smile every once in a while. Thanks for that :slight_smile:


You need to add a toothpick next.

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